How to Choose a Name For Your Puppy

Connor - @itsconnorethan
5 min readApr 14, 2022

Let me show you how to pick the best name for your puppy.

You’ve picked out your puppy and purchased pet supplies, now the only thing left to do is name your new furry friend. You could go with something classic, like Max or Daisy, or you could try something funny, like Chewbarka or Bark Twain. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter what you name your puppy so long as the name means something to you.

What Are The Most Popular Puppy Names?

I spent a few days digging into databases to see which puppy names were the most popular, and i was surprised by what i discovered. Here are 20 of the most popular puppy names in 2022:

1. Charlie

2. Max

3. Luna

4. Cooper

5. Lucy

6. Daisy

7. Coco

8. Rosie

9. Buddy

10. Molly

11. Winnie

12. Rufus

13. Bella

14. Harley

15. Bailey

16. Sadie

17. Rocky

18. Maggie

19. Duke

20. Loki

How Do I Choose A Name For My Puppy?

Choosing a name for your puppy is a special occasion, you never know when inspiration will strike with the perfect name. On the other hand, it may take some time to come up with a name that captures your puppy’s unique personality in a single word. If you’re having trouble finding the perfect name for your new puppy, I will suggest following these tips when choosing a name for your puppy.

1) Stick With Words That End in Vowels

Have you ever wondered why most dog names end in a vowel? It’s because dogs can distinguish frequency ranges at a much higher level than humans. Therefore, they are more likely to respond to a name like Charlie over Dexter.

2) Choose Names With One or Two Syllable

Long, complicated names with more than two syllables are harder to say and more difficult for your puppy to distinguish from other words. One and two syllable names are also easier to repeat, which is especially useful during training.

3) Stay Away from Names that are Negative or Offensive

When naming your puppy, it’s always a good idea to avoid names with negative or offensive connotations. Think about it. Do you really want to be the person at the dog park calling out a name that is clearly offensive? No, you don’t. When it comes to puppy names, it’s best to keep them respectful.

4) Avoid Names That Sound Like Commands

Names like Kit, Jay and Pop can easily be confused for commands like Sit, Stay and Stop. Therefore, it’s best to avoid names that sound too similar to commands or words that you repeat over and over.

5) Choose Names That Don’t Sound Like Your Other Pets

In homes with more than one pet, it’s best to choose a name that doesn’t sound like the name of your other pets. You don’t want to confuse your pets by choosing names that are too similar to one another, like Max and Rex.

6) Use the “Nickname Test”

We’ve seen it all before. Regardless of the name you choose for your puppy, it will inevitably be shortened to a nickname. Save yourself the trouble of renaming your puppy and perform the nickname test before you decide on a name. The nickname test is easy. Simply think of all the different ways you can or will say your dog’s name. If they are easy to say over and over; don’t sound like your other pets names, and don’t offend anyone’s sensibilities, then you may have found the perfect name.

7) Consider Your Puppy’s Personality

The most important tip for naming your new puppy is to consider its personality. What names come to mind when you look at your new puppy? Trust your gut and go with the name that suits their unique self best.

8) Choose a Name and Stick With It

From learning its name to potty training, consistency is the best way to teach your puppy everything. Whichever name you choose, the best thing to do is stick with it. If you must change your dog’s name, try to change it to something that doesn’t sound too different from it’s previous name. A dog that was named Molly is more likely to answer to a name like Maggie than it is Jasmine.

9) Do Dogs Respond Better to Certain Names?

Yes. Dogs learn and respond to certain sounds better than others. Longer words with more than one syllable can be confusing for some dogs. Dogs are also surprisingly sensitive and intuitive, which is why you want to avoid names that sound like a joke. Your dog can tell when you’re making fun of them.

Where to Find Puppy Names?

Many new puppy owners find inspiration from their favorite books, films, and TV series. Others scan the pages of history and mythology for powerful, classic names that never go out of style. Wherever you find inspiration, just be sure that you choose a name that you would feel comfortable shouting aloud at the dog park. Stick with names that you would be comfortable saying in front of your grandmother.

Puppy Names Inspired by Myth

1. Apollo (Greek)

2. Pluto (Rome)

3. Zeus (Greek)

4. Juno (Rome)

5. Ares (Greek)

Puppy Names Inspired by History

1. Einstein (Albert Einstein)

2. Presley (Elvis Presley)

3. Nelson (Nelson Mandela)

4. Darwin (Charles Darwin)

5. Oprah (Oprah Winfrey)

Puppy Names Inspired by Cinema

1. Morpheus (The Matrix)

2. Tarzan (Tarzan)

3. Aragorn ( Lord of the Rings)

4. Rocky (Rocky)

5. Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Funniest Puppy Names of All Time

Out of all of the puppy names i have seen over the years, these are the ones that made me laugh out loud.

1. Franz Fur-dinand

2. Captain Sniffer

3. Count Droolsbury

4. Lucky Goodsniffer

5. Miss Fabulous

6. Mister Bluffers

7. Chewbarka

8. Sergeant Markowitz

9. Sir Barks-a-Lot

10. Sir Waggington

How to Help Your Puppy Learn Its Name

I hope this piece of information was helpful and made it easier to pick the best name for your puppy. Now that you’ve chosen a name, it’s time to ensure your puppy learns it.

Thankfully, i have written this step-by-step guide to show you how to teach your puppy his or her name, as well as the right ways to use their name so that you can get the best results during training.

